
Yukon Energy Planning Further Rate Hike

WHITEHORSE – In addition to the General Rate Application (GRA) from ATCO Electric Yukon that is currently before the Yukon Utilities Board (YUB), the Yukon Party Official Opposition has learned that the Yukon Energy Corporation is planning an additional application of its own. In a letter filed with the YUB, the Yukon Energy Corporation has indicated that they are currently finalizing a new application and intend to file it in the coming weeks. According to the letter, the changes will affect customers’ power bills.

Details Needed on Whitehorse Airport Reconstruction Contract

WHITEHORSE – The Yukon Party Official Opposition is asking the Liberal government to update Yukoners on the status and cost of the Whitehorse Airport Main Runway Reconstruction Project. The 2023/2024 Five-Year Capital Plan budgets $115 to $130 million work at the Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport and work to be completed in 2025/2026 fiscal year.

Questions Remain as Yukon Students Head Back to Class

WHITEHORSE – The 2023-2024 school year is about to begin, and Yukon students and parents will quickly find out if the Liberals sufficiently prepared the school system to ensure a smooth start.

Statement from the Yukon Party Caucus on Yukon’s Housing MOU with Ontario

“The recent report of the Auditor General of Ontario about housing development has raised a number of questions about May’s Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Government of Yukon and the Government of Ontario. The Ontario report was critical of access certain developers had to political staff influencing decisions and had concerning findings related to the role that apparently played in the outcome.

Procurement Transparency Continues to Decline Under Liberals

WHITEHORSE – The Yukon Party Official Opposition is calling on the Liberal government to reverse the recent changes to the Government of Yukon Bid Opportunities Website. These changes have reduced transparency by limiting access to bid information to account holders and requiring registration.

Yukon Party Official Opposition Efforts Start Abandoned Vehicle Cleanup

WHITEHORSE – Efforts from the Yukon Party Official Opposition have initiated cleanup of abandoned vehicles along the Yukon’s highways. Yukoners had been raising this issue with Yukon Party MLAs, who also noted many abandoned vehicles along the South and North Klondike Highway during their visits to rural Yukon this spring.

Yukon Party Joins Businesses Calling For CEBA Repayment Extension

WHITEHORSE – The Yukon Party Official Opposition is joining organizations such as the Yukon Chamber of Commerce, the Tourism Industry Association of the Yukon, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, and Restaurants Canada, in requesting the federal Liberal government extend the current Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) repayment deadline. Businesses across Canada, including the Yukon, received this much-needed loan to keep their operations going during the pandemic.

A strong recovery requires leadership, bold ideas, and action — and we need your help! Add your name if you'll stand with Currie Dixon and the Yukon Party!