Wade Istchenko Seeks Yukon Party Nomination in Kluane

WHITEHORSE – Three-term Kluane MLA Wade Istchenko announced on January 14 that he will seek the Yukon Party nomination in the Kluane riding for the 2025 territorial election. The election must be held this year on or before November 3.

“It’s been a pleasure to represent residents from the Kluane region in the Yukon Legislative Assembly since 2011,” said Istchenko. “I’m running again to continue being the voice of constituents at the territorial level and highlight the issues impacting rural Yukoners. The Liberals have all but forgotten about Yukoners outside of Whitehorse, and I know that a Yukon Party government led by Currie Dixon will listen to rural Yukoners and address their concerns.”

Istchenko was first elected to the Yukon Legislative Assembly in 2011 and re-elected in 2016 and 2021. He served in cabinet from 2011 to 2016 as the Minister of Highways and Public Works and Environment. The Haines Junction-raised Istchenko attended St. Elias Community School. After graduation in 1984, he joined the Canadian Armed Forces, where he completed training in various locations across Canada and served with NATO forces in Germany for three years. He remains a proud member of the Canadian Rangers and the Royal Canadian Legion. Currently, he is very active in his community with the Ranger program and the St. Elias Lions Club.

As per the Yukon Party constitution, riding nomination processes and timing, including that for Kluane, will be announced electronically through local media and to party members. Once a nomination opens, it will not close before 14 days of the notice. To learn more about the Yukon Party and how to support its efforts for change, please visit yukonparty.ca.


Media Inquiry
Tim Kucharuk
Media Director
(867) 689-7874

Change Starts Now!

Add your name if you will stand with Currie Dixon and the Yukon Party!