Yvonne Clarke

MLA for Porter Creek Centre
Critic for the Yukon Housing Corporation - Market Housing, Housing and Lot Development - Whitehorse, Women and Gender Equity Directorate, and French Language Services Directorate

Yvonne Clarke is a proud parent, entrepreneur, and dedicated member of the Yukon-Filipina community and was elected in the 2021 Territorial Election to represent the growing riding of Porter Creek Centre.

Having moved to the Yukon nearly three decades ago, her wide-ranging professional background spans from public service to small business ownership and to extensive volunteer roles. A multi-lingual mother of three adult children, she wants to use her experience in areas relating to poverty, education, health, human rights, the economy and violence against women to give back to the territory.

Her experience includes serving over 12 years as a board member of the Yukon Learn Society, helping adults improve their literacy, numeracy and computer skills, and as a former board member of the Yukon Public Legal Education Association, co-authoring the third edition of “Splitting Up,” a resource for women involved in family breakdowns.

Clarke has also served as the Chair of the Yukon Advisory Council on Women’s Issues, advancing the legal, social and economic equality of Yukon women, and sat as a Yukon representative on the RCMP Commissioner’s Diversity Advisory Committee.

Of all her many roles in the community, she is perhaps best recognized for her leadership with the Canadian-Filipino Society of the Yukon, serving many years as president and providing advice and guidance on integrating immigrants into mainstream Canadian culture. 

Contact information:

[email protected]
Phone: 867-393-7104

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