Yukon Policing Priorities Must Include Property Crime and Downtown Safety

WHITEHORSE – The Yukon Party Official Opposition is calling on the Liberal government to address property crime and downtown safety and make them priorities in the 2024-25 Policing Priorities. Every year, the Minister of Justice identifies those priorities for the Yukon RCMP through a letter to the Commanding Officer.

Yukoners have seen a wave of property crime, theft, and vandalism that have hit private residences, and many small businesses. Recognizing the impact of these concerning trends, the Yukon Party has been calling for the Minister of Justice to consult with the business community about the annual policing priorities, which the Minister has refused to do. Adding property crime and downtown safety to the list of policing priorities would send a clear message that the Yukon Government has heard the concerns of residents and businesses in the downtown area, as well as concerns raised by tourism businesses that rely on visitors to the Yukon having a positive experience downtown.

“We are seeing the effects of a Liberal government that has not properly resourced the Yukon RCMP for many years,” said Justice Critic Brad Cathers. “The government has finally started to provide more resources, but there is a long way to go to make up for the years of neglect by the Liberal government.  Listing property crime as one of the Yukon’s Policing Priorities is another necessary step. Resources provided to the RCMP by the Liberals have not kept up with the Yukon’s population growth and organized crime, and Yukoners are paying the price.”

“We have heard from visitors to the Yukon, as well as businesses that rely on visitors, that tourists often feel unsafe in the downtown core of Whitehorse,” said Economic Development and Tourism and Culture Critic Geraldine Van Bibber. “These reports combined with the raft of business break-ins and vandalism that many downtown businesses have experienced all point to a problem that the Liberal government needs to take seriously. Finding a solution starts with admitting that there is a problem, and the annual policing priorities would be a helpful step in doing that.”


Tim Kucharuk
Media Director
(867) 689-7874

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