Yukon Party Urges Crack Down on Repeat Criminals

WHITEHORSE – The Yukon Party Official Opposition is challenging Premier Pillai to join our call for the federal government to address the flawed catch-and-release bail system. In response to overwhelming concern from Yukoners about increased crime affecting residents and businesses, Leader Currie Dixon has written to the Prime Minister urging him to improve our bail system.

The letter calls on the federal government to address the problem of repeat offenders being arrested but then getting bail and committing more crimes. The letter requests two specific measures:

  • removal of credits applied to sentences for time-served for repeat and violent offenders; and
  • removal of bail availability for serious crimes including murder, terrorism, and human trafficking.

“While more can be done here in the Yukon, the territorial Liberals have not adequately addressed the issue of rising crime throughout the territory,” said Dixon. “While there are many other improvements that could be made to our justice system, these specific changes should be prioritized by Ottawa and would work towards restoring Yukoners faith in the bail system. Beyond these changes, it is clear that a more comprehensive review is needed, and I echo the calls for such a review.”


Tim Kucharuk
Media Director
(867) 689-7874

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