Yukon Party Announces New Supports for Elders and Seniors

WHITEHORSE – After a lifetime of hard work and contributions to our families and communities, Yukon’s Elders and seniors deserve a secure, dignified retirement of their choosing.

For many, that means living in their homes and communities for as long as is possible. All too often, however, those without adequate supports are forced to leave places of comfort and life-long memories for long-term care homes or other facilities. This reality will change under a Yukon Party government.

“We have our Elders and seniors to thank for so much and it is the responsibility of government to ensure we show them they are valued,” said Yukon Party Leader Currie Dixon. “A Yukon Party government will introduce new measures to empower our Elders and seniors to live their very best lives.”

A Yukon Party government will implement the Aging in Place Plan and will:

  • Enhance supports for home modifications to improve mobility.

  • Explore partnerships with Yukon First Nations to develop housing options for Elders.

  • Work with seniors’ organizations in Whitehorse to help recruit seniors for the tutoring program offered by the Learning Disabilities Association of Yukon.

  • In partnership with stakeholders, seek avenues to increase funding to support active living and social participation for seniors and Elders.

  • Partner with Yukon First Nations governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to provide more day programs for seniors; particularly in rural communities.

  • Offer funding for emergency repair for low-to-medium income clients to allow seniors to stay in their homes.

  • Work with the City of Whitehorse to improve the Handy Bus service.

  • Look at implementing a caregiver benefit program for low-income caregivers who care for low-income older adults.

  • Review social supports for seniors to ensure those receiving support have adequate funding to meet their needs.

  • Freeze power rates for two years to assist seniors on a fixed income.

A Yukon Party government would also reverse the decision of the current government to increase camping fees on the Yukon’s seniors.

A Yukon Party government will also prioritize improving health outcomes for Elders and seniors by taking action to respond to the recently released report by CanAge which gave the Yukon a failing grade on vaccine policy for older adults.


The Yukon Party is committed to Action for a Change. The party’s platform document puts the focus on Economic Recovery, Supporting Yukon Families, and Safe and Growing Communities. These pillars rest on a foundation of Good Governance and result in a Strong Yukon Recovery, which includes:

  • Supports for business through to recovery, including cutting Red Tape, economic diversification, creating new private sector opportunities, and bolstering the Yukon’s tourism industry.

  • Addressing energy and climate change, including a ‘Made-in-Yukon’ carbon pricing system, and investing in secure energy sources.

  • Recognizing the development of Yukoners begins at birth, the platform contains actions for health beginnings, early learning and childcare, K to 12 and First Nations education, and post-secondary initiatives.

  • Reinforcement and expansion of health and wellness, and mental wellness initiatives.

  • Forging effective partnerships with First Nations, federal and municipal governments, Non-Government Organizations, and the private sector, all while respecting the public service.

  • Addressing housing and land development, investing in the Yukon’s communities, and creating safe communities.

You can read the Yukon Party’s Action for a Change plan here.

The 2021 territorial general election will be held on Monday, April 12. Advanced polling dates have been announced for Sunday, April 4 and Monday, April 5, 2021.


For further information, please contact:

Tim Kucharuk
Media Director
(867) 689-7874

Change Starts Now!

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