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WHITEHORSE – The Yukon Party Caucus opposes the closure of transfer stations in Braeburn, Silver City, and Johnson’s Crossing. The Liberal government announced on July 22 these facilities would close in the Fall, and residents in the affected communities would have to travel in some cases over 100 kilometres round-trip to dispose of their waste.
For years, these rural Yukoners have been trying to explain the drawbacks of closing the transfer stations and the government’s ‘What We Heard’ document outlines those concerns. Despite the overwhelming opposition to closures in those communities, the Liberal government still went ahead with the announcement.
“I am hearing from constituents that closing these transfer stations could increase GHG emissions, human-bear conflict, and put more garbage in gravel pit side roads and pullouts,” said Kluane MLA Wade Istchenko whose riding includes Silver City. “Keno residents have said this has been happening in their community after the Liberals made the decision to close that transfer station.”
“Over the course of multiple meetings at Johnson’s Crossing, residents told the government that they were not in favour of closing their transfer station,” said Pelly-Nisutlin MLA Stacey Hassard whose riding contains Johnson’s Crossing. “Residents at the meeting also presented alternative service options. Unfortunately, the government chose to disregard both their concerns and proposed alternatives and did not provide an explanation as to why.”
“The Liberal government is eliminating basic services for rural Yukoners and making a mockery of public consultation by pretending to ask people for their opinion multiple times, and then completely ignoring public feedback,” said Lake Laberge MLA Brad Cathers whose riding includes Braeburn. “This service cut will force some business owners and senior citizens to drive an hour and a half just to dispose of their garbage. Once again, this shows the Liberals do not care about the needs of rural Yukoners.”
Residents from these communities are left wondering if Kate White and the NDP were consulted on these cuts as outlined for consultation on joint activities in the Confidence and Supply Agreement. As well, have the NDP allowed the closures to happen despite clause 6(b) in the 2023 CASA extension that requires the Liberals to meaningfully consult on household waste options in those communities.
For propping up the government, the Yukon NDP receives over $270,000 in funding from cabinet to their caucus annually. This payment for their support is in addition to their normal funding from the Yukon Legislative Assembly Office.
Tim Kucharuk
Media Director
(867) 689-7874
Change Starts Now!
Add your name if you will stand with Currie Dixon and the Yukon Party!