Liberals Once Again Table Flawed Legislation and Must Consult

WHITEHORSE – The Yukon Party Official Opposition is pleased that the Minister of Community Services paused Bill 43, the Act to amend the Business Corporations Act, after a Yukon Party request to adequately consult with affected Yukoners and Yukon businesses, including Yukon First Nations development corporations. This adds to a long list of the Liberals bringing issues to the Legislative Assembly without adequate consultation.

The minister confirmed that no consultation was conducted on Bill 43 and claimed no consultation was needed as the territorial government was copying what was done federally. This plan fails to consider the reality of Yukon business ownership and how the changes impact Yukon corporations and their lawyers, directors, officers, shareholders, and beneficial owners. Stakeholders have indicated there was no consultation on the proposed changes.

Specifically, the Yukon Party heard from the Yukon First Nations Chamber of Commerce, which flagged serious concerns with the Bill. Bill 43 does not contemplate the case of First Nations Development Corporations where there is no individual person ultimately in control of the corporation as outlined in land claims and self-government agreements.

“We are happy the minister has stood down on this Bill for now, but this again shows Yukoners currently have a government that will continue to get things wrong,” said Leader of the Official Opposition Currie Dixon. “The Liberals previously have had to pause legislation to properly consult on or make changes to the Better Buildings Program, the Health Authority Act, the Animal Control Act, the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Act, and the Airports Act. In addition, they conducted a fake consultation with rural Yukoners regarding the closure of transfer stations and failed to consult on the proposed Whitehorse Elementary School replacement in Takhini. Yukoners deserve a government that will hear them.”


Tim Kucharuk
Media Director
(867) 689-7874

Change Starts Now!

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