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WHITEHORSE – The Yukon Party Official Opposition is calling on the territorial Liberal government to engage with their federal counterparts following misguided comments from the federal environment minister that Ottawa will not invest in any new road infrastructure.
Minister Steven Guilbeault is quoted in a Montreal Gazette article as saying: “Our government has made the decision to stop investing in new road infrastructure. Of course we will continue to be there for cities, provinces and territories to maintain the existing network, but there will be no more envelopes from the federal government to enlarge the road network.”
“The comments from the federal minister are quite frankly shocking and once again show the Liberals are out of touch with rural and northern communities,” said Highways and Public Works Critic Stacey Hassard. “The territorial Liberals need to immediately clarify with their federal cousins what this means for the Yukon. How would it affect roads identified in the Resource Gateway Project or new projects to improve our highway system? There are many reasons for new road projects, including safety, access to critical minerals, and the continued development of the North.”
Just like the federal carbon tax, refusing to invest in road infrastructure is yet another policy position that unfairly hurts rural Canadians and the North.
“Public transit options are limited in the Yukon,” said Hassard. “Rural Yukoners depend on our roads and highways for the transport of essential goods and services. The Yukon’s Highways and Public Works Minister needs to assure Yukoners that the territorial government will continue to invest in new roads and highways and tell the federal government the Yukon needs money from Ottawa to make that happen.”
Tim Kucharuk
Media Director
(867) 689-7874
Change Starts Now!
Add your name if you will stand with Currie Dixon and the Yukon Party!