Liberals Shun Important Road Work in Rural Yukon

WHITEHORSE – The Yukon Liberals are showing a lack of support when it comes to roadwork in rural Yukon.

The Minister of Highways and Public Works indicated in a recent letter that there was no funds available in this year’s capital budget for the Rural Road Upgrade Program (RRUP). The Minister said money was tight due to increased construction costs. The five-year capital plan released in March does not contain money for the Resource Access Road Program (RARP) until 2025.

However, the Liberals proceeded with revamping the parking lot for MLAs outside the Legislative Assembly this summer.

The Yukon Party Official Opposition has brought the roadwork concerns of rural Yukon to the Legislative Assembly numerous times. Namely much-needed upgrades to the Takhini River Road north of Whitehorse, and numerous roads in the Dawson goldfields.

“This is yet another example of how the Liberals do not listen or understand the needs of rural Yukon,” said Highways Critic and Pelly-Nisutlin MLA Stacey Hassard. “It seems re-paving the parking lot for MLAs is a greater priority to this Liberal government than rural Yukon.”

The Liberals should consider rural Yukon when they make budget decisions and ensure there is yearly funding for the RRUP and RARP.


Tim Kucharuk
Media Director
(867) 689-7874

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