Liberal Inaction Set to Leave Many Yukoners Freezing This Winter

WHITEHORSE – Yukon firewood producers and those who utilize wood as their main source of heat have been pleading with the Liberal government to get firewood-cutting permits out the door, and to plan for harvesting areas. Unfortunately, thanks to the Liberals not addressing this issue, the Yukon is heading for another winter where firewood delivery will be scarce.

It’s mid-September, and the Yukon Party Official Opposition is already fielding calls from concerned Yukoners who cannot get firewood delivered for the upcoming winter. Those who are able to find a supplier are now paying over $500 per cord due to the shortage. Wait lists are as long as three months. Some commercial operators are now looking as far away as Fort Nelson for supply. Trucking wood almost one thousand kilometers will drive up costs for the consumer and is bad for the environment.

“This important issue was brought to the attention of the Liberals’ by the industry way back in June of 2021,” said Energy, Mines and Resources Critic Scott Kent. “The Minister said in January the shortage was not due to permitting or supply but cold weather. Now many months later, suppliers and Yukoners are telling us there is no wood to be found, and a lack of supply.”

Not allowing logging in the Quill Creek harvest area from April 1 into the fall has exacerbated the issue.

The Minister needs to address the firewood shortage right now or many Yukoners will be left out in the cold this winter.


Tim Kucharuk
Media Director
(867) 689-7874

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